
Over the course of my time at Georgia Tech I participated in two internships: SPLASSH (Summer 2017) & Assurant (Summer 2018). During the summers of 2014, 2015, and 2016 I spent my summers enrolled in classes at Georgia Tech.


UI/UX INTERN at splassh (Summer 2017)

Over the course of the summer of 2017 I worked along side the owners and web developers of SPLASSH to both refine existing designs as well as design new pages for future functionality.  Many iteration cycles were had implementing feedback about the general design or changes needed in functionality.  These drafts shown were created in Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop.

Digital software engineer (summer 2018)

While most of my responsibilities during my work at Assurant fell into direct web development, I also collaborated with the lead UI/UX designer on my scrum team. Working to bring his designs to life I would help not only give feedback, but also propose new solutions for things I didn’t think fit or weren’t possible given our framework.