Hookman is a top down platformer developed for the Game Boy Advanced. This project was made for Media and Device Architecture, a class that specialized in developing software for specific devices, and in my case, the Game Boy Advanced.
All programming was done in C. All artwork, coding, animations, and everything besides the music was done by me.
Below is a video of the game running on a Game Boy Advanced Emulator.
The images below are the files that the emulator reads. They were originally bitmap (BMP) files, and the resolution is small because its the screen-space of a Game Boy Advanced. Images on the left are larger because they the whole level, not just a screenshot of existing on part of a map.
Here is a tidbit of code to you give you an idea about what developing for a Game Boy Advanced looks like.
Note, if you would like to download and run the game, you will need a GBA emulator.